Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Don't get it

I realized it's always been a cycle of people underestimating my intelligence and views as I've always been the 'clown' (again). Not that I choose not to be one, but even a clown is a job and that needs time for them to be sane again.

Sure I don't think much most of the times but when I'm finally making sense, why does it always become a belittling session? I've owed it much to being underestimated too many times that expressing my thoughts and views are now 'thinking too much' or 'over-dramatic'.

You can tell when one is thinking too much by assuming, but if bringing about a topic to debate has become a session of "you don't know anything", shouldn't I be educated why?

Shouldn't I deserve the decency and respect to know your reasons instead of amounting to just 'you dk anything'. Ultimately it's looking down of a person's thoughts when it's sad that no one bothers to clarify or correct it enough to be educated.

If my reasoning is wrong, tell me. Else amounting to 'you dk anything' with my reasoning is just saving your ego by disparaging me.


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