It has ended and I am fully prepared to enter the workforce LOL. I am too lazy to type it out friends, I'll tell you guys when we meet. In a word: somuchdrama (I know it's technically not a word.)
NOW now justifying my 1159 post (2 post back). Whoa. I am not that terrible of person. I may get bored, but that doesn't mean I not interested anymore in you as a person. Bored as in the same routine everyday. From waking up to going out or work to eating to sleeping and that's it. Like a life with no hypes. I was like that in secondary and even though I don't dislike it, I don't like it either.
If we meet on a daily basis doing different stuff, from kbox to cafe-hopping or museum-hopping or visiting iconic Singapore areas, I am 100% down for it. There will be days where we can movie marathon, chill and slack at home or even lepak down under HDB yes. LIKE IT'S FINE AS LONG as you are fine.
I realised I am a person who's mood depends a lot on the other party. Like if you're having fun, even if I sound bored or uninterested, I would be internally glad that you are still upbeat and positive. If you're tired, I'll be tired x2 too LOL.
Friends I'm sorry for being high maintenance. Here's a little appreciation post for always bearing with me and my sarcasm, mood swings, angst, fakeness, hype, impromptu-ness, and I'm not sure what other flaws I have but hey, glad you're sticking around. Let's await those life moments that has yet to come, and hopefully it'll be something we can look back and laugh about in the future. (CLICHE BUT TRUE)
OF COURSE, both sad and happy memories. It will not easy but you made it thus far SO. THANKS FRIENDS. From cousins to loyal sec to poly bae to joke interns gosh. May these people live on forever in my life.

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