EXCITED Boom-ts boom-ts
I STARTED WORKING. Yes florist. But it's basically changing the water in vases and cutting leaves from stalks. No biggie. It's not what I expected but hey, the salary is worth the job I guess so I won't complain. In fact, I LIKEY. It's chill, no brainstorming (I sound like a lazy retard) and alone (?!). The boss will be around during the first half of the day, but on the later half he'll leave. This meant opening and closing ALONE.
There's pros and cons to being the only one in the store.
Pros: No socialising - yes I won't have to make friends
Cons: CAN I EVER TEND THE STORE ALONE? The responsibilities seems huge. What if I break a vase? Or that I can't answer a customers query? Or that I locked up incorrectly? and yadahyadahyadah so on and forth.
But putting the cons asides, there is THIS BEST THING about the store.
Guess what guess what
WOO Unlimited excess to data and battery means dramas, social medias and games WOO. I won't complain no more. THIS IS THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD. *Easily contented
Tattoo consultation tomorrow! I know I know there's some out there that are worried about permanent inks. SOME AS IN 9/10 of the people I tell to and the replies I got. Do you honestly think I would get one not thinking of the consequences? Or do you not get the fact that I am no longer the good girl years ago? Not that I was a good girl years ago anyway.
"Tattoo is gonna last forever!"
THANKS I DIDN'T KNOW, by far the most retarded exclamation I have to answer.
"What if you regret the design when you're old?"
Erm okay this is serious. I'll answer that in 20 years time. Oh. But wait, how would I know if I would be alive then? BRUHHHHH No one knows. What ever is gonna happen in the future stays in the future.
If I'm gonna live my life based on what is gonna happen when I'm older, I will stop eating and be a monk cause everything is harmful. People, I can only decide the present and on present day, I like it and it matters. Of course I can't promise when I'm 80 in a wheelchair coming out of the old folks home, but I can promise you for the next 5 years down the road, I WOULD LOOK AT IT WITH PRIDE THANKS FOR YOUR CONCERN.
"Don't damage your body with tattoo! It's like putting a sticker on a Ferrari!"
Inking to me is like painting on a canvas. Your body is a walking art. No, I'm not super artistic but if you want to fight metaphor with metaphor. then here's my perspective. But I understand not everyone view inking the same way so be my guest and try to convince me otherwise how inking is damaging to my body in sickness and in health. Don't ever bullshit with me of how I might get aids through needles. That way I must stop breathing cause VIRUS IN THE AIR AHH.
"Some places don't hire people with tattoo, what about your future job?"
Chill the area that I'll be inking can cover it well that I don't think people will ever know if I don't reveal it. "AH SEE TROUBLESOME if you have no tattoo you have nothing to fear!" WA THANKS I'LL BE HERMIT KAY. This way I won't experience fear at all.
Now yes I'm sensitive in this issue, cause I can understand if you won't get it, but if you disapprove others of getting it, it gets me (GET IT, PUN PUN). Like "what rights do you have to preach?" Have you inked before? Or do you have inked friends that tells you the oh-shit-because-of-my-tattoo stories? Or maybe it's just ugly and gangster-ish? Cause other than that I don't see why is inking 'BAD'.
Until the day you have your list of reasons why IT FREAKING IS, I would have had the tattoo already. And if you still preach by then I would go 'wtf' really? You don't tell a pregnant woman about miscarriages the same way on how tattoo is bad to a person with inks. It's like whoa. Balls to you if you do. BALLS TO YOU *Sound of applause* Give this man an award for being the most ignorant human-being of all times.

No nvm I'm not joking for most parts.

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