Sunday, May 29, 2016

Pet peeves

What it's the end of May already? VROOM BY FAST - I always seem to say this.

I was agitated at something which was of the smallest concern just now, and then I realise hey look, this is what they call a pet peeve. Counting back, I do have a few:

1. Unappreciated remarks when expressed good concerns
It's not about sarcasm, it's the wording of the statement. 
When I asked to put the dish at your side, cause you eat it and I don't, saying 'ok' or 'it's fine' are remarks that is usually common. Going "Then I don't eat anymore",with a face that's blacker than night, is a big wth. I didn't continuously pester or force you so much that you resort to not eating when I meant no ill intention. 

I said "Just put the dish at your side lahh" (even jokingly) seeing that you have to continuously reach out to an area further than necessary, and at the same time, there's space on yours. What's hard about putting it nearer? Please, assuming my statement is one thing, shooting back with a wrong assumption is another. 

It's an annoyance that I barely notice everyday, until today cause it was an out-of-the-world answer, and it's just a plate of cha kway teow -.-

Thinking back, there is quite a few incidences of this pet peeve.
M: There's no more space in the cupboard (For shoes)
Y: I'll throw away my shoes tomorrow k
M: *wth inform you nia*

and a few more that is better not written.
The rage can last for 15 minutes, and sometimes I wonder whether it's worth to forward my concern to a human ever again.

My god this is the pet peeve that topped the list. I have to blame myself for being a punctual person in the world of people who are nearly never early. The funny thing is even when I'm late, I am still the first to arrive. Lateness due to traffic, when one overslept or school/work-related lateness is not too bad, what I can't stand the most is everything that is not that 3 reason. You knew the meeting time, why do you still deliberately choose to be late? Add on, if you knew you can't make it by the set timing, why did you agree to it in the first place?

I'll help you name some, because the people you're meeting is always late too. I guess one have to wait till the person (who you're meeting) to mention that they are leaving the house in order for you to make a move - do that, but I'll irked and wonder why we ever bother setting a time if we are never gonna follow it.

Stating I'm fine when it's due to traffic DOES NOT INCLUDE THE MRT, it's a subway not a road where everything is unpredictable. The only unpredictable thing about MRT is the breakdowns, and if that happened we must be unlucky souls. But the one who set the timing and still end up an hour late when you are travelling by the subway is bullshit. Google how long it'll take to the destination and following it doesn't cost much work does it? 

No, bathing is not excuse, worst, your bathing time is even more non-excusable. No, someone shitting in the toilet so you can't shit is not an excuse either, you have more than 1 toilet for reasons. No, drying your hair is a huge NO. And so on and forth.

Please people, think about those waiting for you. What if they are kidnap for standing there too long? Or scammed by scammers or worst, stabbed by unsuspecting knife owners DANG DANG DANGG.

#SayNoToLateness #SaveLives  #Please

-----End of Pet peeve's list till date-----

In the end, pet peeves are something that is subtle. The annoyance will end within a few minutes, and sometimes seconds. Thus, the amount of displease stated in this post is as much as the few minutes and seconds that passes in my 24 hour life; Equivalent to 8760hr a year; Equivalent to 175200hr in my lifetime of 20 years. It's not significant to the point of disliking or hating someone, unless one's pet peeve is something that happen in a day-to-day life. For that I recommend you change yourself.

Any other day and time, it's happiness and solitude~~~ 
So it's not a worry to those that worries~~~


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