When completing assignment, I always complain how stressful it is and how it takes up so much of my time, but I don't hate it really. Then I wondered if this is what I asked for?
If I had taken my time to schedule and plan what to complete, I actually have way more time than cramping everything on the last few day. The school is smart enough to give the right amount of time needed to complete this amount work. So what are the factors that's still stressful to me?
Group works.
There is no such thing as a timetable or schedule because it'll only work if your work mate cooperates. If you assigned the work, what are the chances that they will listen? Fortunately this semester, my assignment life has been awesome as there is one less burden. But what about the next? How can I ensure that they will adhere to the task assigned? I'M SCARED.
At the same time, for group assignments, a team of A+ acquaintance is not that great either. Everyone will just assume the other person will do cause they are all 'smart', and that this team is reliable. In the end, who is the one that actually did the work? The hard-working ones. Not all A+ students are hard-working and not all hard-workers scores A+. There are individualist who do extremely well for their own reports, and leave the group portion to their team members. Some members who actually did more than the rest aren't rewarded fairly as well. It is a poor unit of measurement of a person's intelligence and team work. As after-all, teachers will always favour A+ students and students that speaks well.
What about the rest?
The arts of procrastination.
Oh god, this is the main and ultimate reason why nearly every students is suffering from "No time to finish", and I'm guilty as well. I read post and websites of how procrastination can be stop, and realise it's really up to the individual. If the person sincerely wish to change and stop their ways of being lazy, they'll pick it up in no time.
I'm too lazy to continue LOL.
Ironic isn't it.
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