The crowd still lives up to the standard set back in 2014, 13 hue. Nevertheless, it was great. We ate curry katsu rice upon entering and it was gooood, waltz with cos-players and friends cos-playing on camera, and shake with idols like OMG.
It was a bit dramatic. START STORY: We were ambling down the lane when someone barged and asked if we like a photo with --- and we said 'Okay' though we don't know who, but there is several hot guys standing together and they want the target to stand in the middle so, WHO AM I TO SAY NO TO THAT HEHE.
We took individuals photo, shook hands (LIKE MADE PHYSICAL CONTACT LOL SO HYPE AT THAT POINT IN TIME) and left knowing who they are, a group called 'Junon superboys'. Not famous, yet, I hope. It's a bit wasted that we didn't ask for an autograph, they might become famous hue. BUT HEY IDOLS HOHO.

The only stuffs I bought, goods selling there are pricey.
Overall, it's a pretty smooth AFA this year~
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