Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Last day of the Decade

It's the last day of 2019 and onto 2020 tomorrow hehe. The end of the year, the end of the 2010's, the end of the decade.

Here's to wishing myself (and everyone who read this) wealth, health, happiness and love in 2020 and beyond. Also, you're protected FOR LIFE from any 'if you don't read this...' curse cause it ain't worth it.

Happy last day of 2019 and hellooooOooOooOOoooooo 2020!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Definition of time

I asked myself why am I never the same as I was 3 weeks ago and figured through days of reading and thinking: that there wasn't a proper closure, a proper talk or a proper understanding to which we both compromised.

Life has taken a toll and as the saying goes, "You cannot hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life" that it hits too close to home. A little too close to my home.

I've come to terms that in life we will never get the closure we deserve cause this isn't a one man journey. Time will eventually calm the heart and as cliche as it sounds, we will ultimately get what we deserve at the end of life, with or without the same person. The story we start is of a choice and it always (REMINDER TO MYSELF) always will be a choice.

Do I take the blame from the moment I allow it to happen or the moment I ignore it, cause I can't tell at this point anymore.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Circle of Life

Writing this in the middle of work again to say LEGIT THIS COMPANY IS SO GOOD??? Another company gathering and it's at a rooftop bar. ROOTOP BAR I REPEAT. The previous was at Level 33@The Westin with unlimited alcohol so.. bless me for the coming one on Monday. I can claim the grab home as well, which is amazing considering that I'm just an intern, and I swear if this company wants me to continue I would just say yes undoubtedly. If the employee benefit for an intern is this good, imagine a full time employee. Oh and I got free medical and dental claims too, see again what I mean?

Adding on, I've said it before and am saying it again, the people here are friendly, the environment to work in is gorgeous and most importantly, I have 3 screens on my desktop. AND I DON'T EVEN NEED 3 SCREENS. The circle of life of a rich company = high-tech office = hire great people = more productivity and loyalty = more $$$ repeat and wash

Gonna head out for lunch in 1 hour and gettin my breakfast burrito that I've been craving since Monday. SIGH AM ALREADY MISSING THIS JOB.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Start of internship

Well hello hello writing this in the middle of my job cause there's nothing to do and I'm bored. Just an update on life: Week 7 into my internship!! I love my job and if the company wants me to continue hell yeah I would. No stress (most of the time), no ot (GREAT WORK LIFE BALANCE) and the best part of all, nice colleagues in a friendly environment. What more can a person ask for in a job? Maybe it's just this line of job in contrast to the other departments of the same company but regardless, I now know what to truly find when I work in the future.

5 more min to lunch and here's me signing off for a toilet break, then a mum date hehehehe byes.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Don't get it

I realized it's always been a cycle of people underestimating my intelligence and views as I've always been the 'clown' (again). Not that I choose not to be one, but even a clown is a job and that needs time for them to be sane again.

Sure I don't think much most of the times but when I'm finally making sense, why does it always become a belittling session? I've owed it much to being underestimated too many times that expressing my thoughts and views are now 'thinking too much' or 'over-dramatic'.

You can tell when one is thinking too much by assuming, but if bringing about a topic to debate has become a session of "you don't know anything", shouldn't I be educated why?

Shouldn't I deserve the decency and respect to know your reasons instead of amounting to just 'you dk anything'. Ultimately it's looking down of a person's thoughts when it's sad that no one bothers to clarify or correct it enough to be educated.

If my reasoning is wrong, tell me. Else amounting to 'you dk anything' with my reasoning is just saving your ego by disparaging me.


Friday, February 1, 2019

Hello 2019 and it's Feb


2018 has been a ride, a few bumps as well as the highest high. Of course it can't beat 2017 but being 22 was nevertheless still pretty darn good. May 2019 be nice to me as always and here's to health, wealth and most importantly, happiness!

Can you imagine that 1/12 of the year has passed whats what have I been doing for the month of January?!? IT FLEW BY???

Regardless school has started and there's the feel to start working hard again and I'm excited of what this year might bring, big or small changes allow me to have the strength to embrace them all.

Image result for 2019 gif HOLO