Assignments, assignments and more assignments.
My stress level is either a 0 or 100, there's no in between. One moment I'm confident about the assignment completion and the other with my mind calculating the time I have left and it concluded that there's no time left. I CANNOT.
Omo while updating this, someone on Carousell asked about the star war cushion PLEASE BUY IT. MY FAM HAVE TOO MANY PILLOW TO FILL THE COUCH that once I reached home, I informed them that 'I'm gonna sell this' and that is not asking, it's informing.
Okay back to stress. It pushed me to the extent that I wonder if university is the right path. Although, okay to be fair, this thought came to my mind when I was at the peak of my stress which I blamed the coffees since I'm not usually a coffee-intake person, but I drank too much that day. The caffeine + adrenaline + dizzy bus ride + failing a 14% test + hardworking peers add on to so much that day that I wasn't in the right state of mind. IT WAS CHAOS I SWEAR.
Thoughts kept running through my mind, from escaping reality to thinking about life if I quit school to thinking how I could survive 3 more years of this stress, even though it's not all the time.
I'm worried. I don't worry about retaining another year if I failed, I worry about whether schooling is a good investment. Is getting a degree worth it? Can I not survive in the workforce without a degree? What if I wasted 4 years of studying this course, but I end up in some job totally unrelated? WHICH MAKES MY DEGREE USELESS. I DON'T WANT IT TO BE USELESS. This meant wasting money, time and effort for 4 years but it turns out to be useless.
Would life give me a sign? I NEED TO KNOW.
Anyways, this thoughts shall be tucked away in my brain somewhere, where it would re-surface again when stress is ignited - to again remind myself why did I enter university LOL.
Collected the star war run race pack today, with the actual run on 5th May. How exciting wew isit I can get a chance to lose weight before gaining it all back while studying? There there nice try convincing yourself there.
This should be the end of ranting for now. Here's to my boi jy for reminding me to update this place.
To end this off, may school life be good to me although generally life is already pretty good to me. LEMME PASS THIS SEM, OR LEMME FAIL LIKE 3 PAPERS AFTER DOING MY BEST TO TELL ME WHERE I SHOULD GO IN LIFE.