Sunday, April 24, 2016

6 degrees of Separation - Class

The second week into being a senior~!

The class this semester is separated into half, which is both good and bad. The bad - I am separated from peers that I had fun with during the China trip. The good - I don't have to interact with those I choose to be separate from. Heyhey the use of English at it's finest.

Some of us wants a class outing. Oh my oh my. Guess, where would it be?
Drum-roll please
KOREA. DING DING. CONGRATULATION TO THOSE TH----- WAIT! HANG ON! What is this sorcery? NO ONE DID! My oh my was it that hard?

Ayeeee Korea. The capitalism of all K-pop artist that is dominating my class and, this era of teenagers.
A normal class outing is already proved meh, and an overseas class outing? That's ambitious.
But if it ever works out, I'll be more than glad to help if it's not on my loss. *Cough* Planing, cost, room for around 15 people. It's basically a tour, and I would pity the tour-guide.

Hopefully that tour-guide won't be me.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Short Wuhan Conclusion

It's the fourth day since I'm back in Singapore. Wuhan is fun! Andddddd back to school tomorrow. CAN'T WAIT. Here's a few pictures that I conveniently have on my laptop that is transferred from my camera - that I rarely use.
Below the bell is a pot to throw your coins in - a wishing pot(?). I got it in on the first try woo.
It hit me that when you sincerely wish for something without the hope of it going in, it would. 
 The class outing to their museum
Pretty Purple Flower
 Pretty Pink Flower
 The view when strolling down the yangzhe river

 The view from Lushan
The view when climbing down the million stairs for the waterfall.

It's a memorable trip that cannot be sum up with just a few pictures~