How my typical school day go: [In reference of today]
Alighted the bustop while consuming in the carbon monoxide excreted by the buses. I coughed and cursed myself for not holding my breath fast enough "Nah this is nothing", I said as I look over at the other side of the bridge, and cringed internally. Crossing the overhead bridge, like usual, and down the stairs of 'time to hold my breath' again. Like usual. But soon realised a grave difference today - It was raining.
The oh-so-cool-stick-holders were inside the red zone of my usual path and I was cursing more than I should on this particular day. I held my breath at the top of the stairs as I made my way down. Passed smoothly through the crowd and I was feeling a teenee bitty proud of myself. But holy, my breath went out right before the end of the trial. "Shit man, I guess one stick-holder should be fine", I thought and let out my breath, to which I cannot contain any longer. I saw the stick went down on his hand and knew at that brief second - I'm gonna die
"Pooooooof" goes the last stick-holder on my path, with the oh-so-beautiful-and-poisonous cloud right. when. I. breathe. in. RIGHT AT MY FACE. AND THE CLOUD WAS HUGE,
No one was behind me can't you wait till I walked passed wthwthwth. And there goes the story of 'do not underestimate your enemy'.
In retaliation to the oh-so-considerate young MAN(or should I say NOT-A-GENTLEMAN AT ALL) who poof in my face, I coughed painfully and terribly, at a really considerate volume. By considerate I mean "THIS COUGH IS BAD ENOUGH TO SPIT OUT SOME POSSIBLE BLOOD, LUCKY BASTARD NEXT TIME I'LL COUGHED TILL IM ON MY KNEES" and POLITELY turn my head around to GLARE kindly at the bewildered stick-holder, whom once held my dream of crossing the path peacefully.
There goes my morning of a perfect day. WONDERFULLLLLL

Unfortunately, I can never be like Houtarou.