This happened on
6 July (Yesterday), but by the time I came home, it's already too late to talk about it! BUT this is a event worth writing down so I'm gonna do it todayyyyyy~
In the late morning, around 10.30 pm, we headed out to Parkway Parade Shopping Mall to meet my aunt as usual! We had our brunch at the food-court, and we were seated near Hans'. By the time we arrived, my aunt's family had already found a table for eight! BUT there were two middle-aged lady seated there(!) My aunt said she has already 'book' the table before anyone else then suddenly, without asking, they decided that it's fine to pull out the chair and take a short rest! Rude. The least they can do was to ASK before sitting, even though they were not planning to eat, it's still extremely NOT polite to just chop someone else's reserve table without permission. Sure that table doesn't have my name on it, but please, it's basic manners. They don't even have huge grocery bags, and stay seated for quite some time before one of their husband came out from the supermarket, and they were off. Good riddens, not even a thank you.
WELP after the lunch, I ate curry chicken noodles for the record, we went to Daiso for a while before heading to ah-ma's house, separating ways with my aunt! When we were finding a parking lot under her block, my other aunt(Gu Gu) called to tell us that they are all at Bedok Mall. But still, we parked the car under my grandma's block as the mall is in a walk-able distance, and the weather was a fine drizzle - cool air, satisfying to stroll all the way there! If it was a blazing hot sun, I think we will most probably drive there even though it's near lol.
My grandma was buying a new phone at Singtel sooo my mum and I went to GongCha to quench our thirst! Maybe it was because I haven't drink it in a while, or maybe the price in school was too cheap, which shot me, when I was handing out the cash, that the drinks were EXpensive! We only bought two cups which cost like $6.30? That's not cheap as their drinks does not consist of coffee beans like Starbucks or any other cafe, it was just regular milk tea and ovaltine - each cup costing $3+. It's over-priced in my opinion. Plus I can't see the reason why they need to charge so much for each cup cause :
Their rental space was small, so that they don't have to pay so much for rent.
They don't have any tables or chairs for customers, so they don't even have waste money for nice furnitures.
They only have like three part-time employee(they were student so it's obvious), so they do not even need to pay their employers full-timed amount.
AND the most common - the ice takes up three quarter of the cup I swear, a few sip and I'm done, so they can happily cut off half of their expenses on resource already. The taste was not even exquisite enough for the price.
So I conclude they are either extremely in need for money, or they are simply extremely evil. Never buying from the con shop ever again, which I used to love ;-;
NEXT - We bought their birthday cake and back to my grandma's house! It was raining heavily but fortunately, it came back down to a drizzle when we were under non-sheltered pavements yayy! Played with my cousins for a while and off to our dinner at the usual place, before returning back for the cake!
Oreo Cheesecake!! So. very. yummy.
We went home after the celebration! And that't the end of Sunday, 6 July 14.
Today - 7 July 14
We had our lessons as usual in the morning. The only difference on this Monday, is that the programming teacher's son is not feeling well(Wish you a Speedy recovery!!), so she cancelled her lesson on the afternoon HURRAY!! :D And we were planning to do our project work at the library for the 4 hours break, we even booked a room(!), alas it's not needed. Went home after chit-chatting with YX and my group-mates before going home! Watched 2 days 1 night, as it seem like a good variety show, till dinner. Watched the Radio Disney on TV and now here typing this entry!!
Guess that's all for now. I hope you had a great weekend and good Monday as well! BYEEE~